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itecopeople blog

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  • AI Trust, Risk, and Security Management (AI TRiSM)

    Posted on 29 Jun 2024

    Learn about AI Trust, Risk, and Security Management (AI TRiSM) and its importance in ensuring trustworthy and secure AI systems. Explore strategies for building transparency, accountability, and robust security measures to mitigate AI risks. Partner with itecopeople for expert guidance and professional talent in navigating AI TRiSM complexities and harnessing AI's full potential for your organization.

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  • Malware 2024: The Evolving Threat and How to Stay Protected

    Posted on 28 Jun 2024

    Stay ahead of evolving malware threats in 2024. Discover how cybercriminals use AI-powered and fileless malware, the rise in ransomware attacks, and the impact on sectors like healthcare. Learn essential protection strategies: update software, use advanced security tools, back up data, and educate your team. Trust ITecopeople for top-tier IT talent to safeguard your digital assets. Prioritize cybersecurity to stay secure in 2024.

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  • Looking Back on IT in 2024: What is in Store for the Next Six Months?

    Posted on 28 May 2024

    Discover the latest trends and challenges in the IT industry for 2024. Learn about advancements in AI, ML, and cybersecurity, and how companies are prioritizing digital security. Explore the increasing demand for cybersecurity professionals and the essential steps businesses must take to protect their digital assets. Join itecopeople for expert recruitment in Cyber/Info Security and secure your future in the dynamic digital landscape.

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  • Top Skills Needed in the IT Industry Today

    Posted on 26 May 2024

    Whether you are an aspiring IT professional or looking to advance your career, understanding the top skills needed in the IT industry today is crucial. Here, we explore the essential skills that are shaping the future of IT.

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  • The Evolution of IT Careers: Past, Present, and Future

    Posted on 26 Apr 2024

    Explores the past, present, and future of IT careers, offering insights into how they have changed, current trends, and what future professions might look like in the tech world.

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  • Project Coordinator Wanted: How Recruitment Agencies Can Connect You with the Best Opportunities.

    Posted on 7 Nov 2023

    Project coordinators stand at the crossroads of project success, orchestrating the myriad tasks that drive initiatives to fruition. In this blog, we illuminate the pathways recruitment agencies lay out for these pivotal players, connecting them to the top project coordinator positions available. With the tech sector's dynamism and the rise in demand across various industries, finding the ideal niche that suits your skills and ambitions can be intricate.

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  • Top IT Job Opportunities for Aspiring Tech Professionals

    Posted on 30 Sep 2023

    This blog sails through the bustling universe of IT job opportunities, highlighting roles from AI experts to project managers. Whether a tech aficionado or a newbie, herein lies a compass to navigate your digital aspirations. Embark with us to discover IT careers that could architect your tech journey.

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  • Remote Software Development Jobs: How to Thrive in the Digital Workforce

    Posted on 1 Sep 2023

    In the modern professional era, the shift to remote software development jobs isn't just a trend—it's a transformative movement. As traditional office boundaries dissolve, professionals across the IT sector are embracing unparalleled flexibility and global opportunities. With recruitment consultancies guiding the way and MSPs unlocking diverse projects, the digital workforce has become a realm of innovation, growth, and boundless potential. Dive in to explore how to thrive in this evolving landscape and harness the full potential of remote work.

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  • Unlocking Opportunities: A Guide to Finding IT Roles Near You

    Posted on 21 Jul 2023

    A guide to finding IT roles near you, and improving your chances of success at landing them.

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  • Writing Effective IT Job Descriptions

    Posted on 6 Jul 2023

    In the modern, fast-paced world of technology, hiring the right talent is essential. Our latest blog post explores the art of crafting precise and captivating IT job descriptions to attract the candidates your business needs.

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  • The Future of IT Recruitment: Trends to Watch

    Posted on 6 Jul 2023

    As the landscape of the job market undergoes a significant transformation, staying informed on the latest trends in IT recruitment is vital. In this blog post, we unpack the crucial trends shaping the future of IT recruitment in 2023.

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  • How to Build an Effective IT Recruitment Strategy

    Posted on 8 Jun 2023

    In today's fast-paced digital landscape, that we know is changing rapidly, it’s more important than ever to have a strong IT recruitment strategy. Recruiting the right talent will be crucial for organisations to stay competitive.  Finding and attracting top talent is essential for building a skilled and productive IT team that can drive innovation and meet the evolving needs of businesses, suppliers and customers.  In this blog, we explore the key components of an effective IT recruitment strategy and provide practical tips to help you streamline your hiring process and secure the best candidates for your organisation.

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  • Utilising Your Tech Stack to Improve Efficiency in 2023

    Posted on 8 Jun 2023

    In today's fast-paced and competitive business landscape, maximising efficiency is crucial for success.  Companies across various industries are continuously searching for ways to streamline processes, reduce costs, and increase productivity. One of the most effective ways to achieve these goals is by leveraging a robust and optimised tech stack. In this blog, we explore how you can harness the power of your tech stack to improve efficiency in 2023 and beyond.

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  • Can machine learning help us to be greener?

    Posted on 23 May 2023

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine-Learning Programmes have emerged as the front-running technologies in the bid to tackle carbon emissions and climate change. New initiatives aimed to improve efficiency and reduce waste are being rapidly developed and are seeing promising results. However, the carbon emissions of these products cannot be ignored. In this blog we will explore if machine learning can help us to be greener, or if their own carbon-emissions price is too high to pay.

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  • Are you afraid of AI?

    Posted on 23 May 2023

    In 2022, Artificial Intelligence (AI) seemed to be the word on everybody’s lips, and as we move through 2023, we aren’t seeing that changing anytime soon. AI has become an increasingly prevalent technology in our lives. From virtual assistants to self-driving cars, AI is rapidly transforming our world.

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  • The tech and recruitment trends you need to watch out for in 2023

    Posted on 23 May 2023

    We have seen growth and innovation throughout 2022. In deep tech, there continues to be significantly more investment, support for start-ups and spin-outs and ten times more privately held startup companies valued at over US$1 billion than a decade ago.

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  • How To Bridge The Digital Skills Gap

    Posted on 23 May 2023

    In today's increasingly digital world, digital skills have become a necessity in almost every field of work and the gains in digitalisation were hugely accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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  • What changes do we see in management consultancy?

    Posted on 23 May 2023

    The management consulting industry has experienced tremendous growth over the past few years, however, there are a number of things impacting the future of management consultancy and the old paradigm of consulting work is changing and it’s no surprise that Covid-19 has had a large part to play in that. Covid-19 forced companies to rapidly digitalise internal operations, personalise customer interactions, and dramatically transform supply chains. Disruptive technologies have also played a large role in this. These developments are in turn redefining traditional consulting industry models.

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  • How will the Internet of Things (IoT) continue to grow?

    Posted on 23 May 2023

    The Internet of Things, simply known as IoT, is a buzzword in the world of technology. Although it has been around for quite some time now, the advancements made over the past few years are undeniable. If this is the first time you’re coming across the term IoT, then it might not sound like something that huge, however, this technology can turn something as small as a pill in size into a super, huge, powerful machine.

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  • Managed Service Providers – What can be done to keep users cyber secure?

    Posted on 18 Nov 2022

    Managed Service Providers (MSPs) have become an integral part of many organisation’s IT operations, supporting their IT staff by taking charge of complex or repetitive digital processes. But they are not without risk, and there have been multiple breaches this year in the UK alone. As MSPs provide such a vital service and have become an integral part to companies across the country, there is no question of removing or replacing them, so what can be done to keep users cyber secure now and into the future?

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  • Improving our workplace wellbeing

    Posted on 13 Oct 2022

    Is AI the answer?

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  • Could robots improve your workplace?

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    Or is it just a tale of science fiction?

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  • What next for video call technology?

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    Does it still have a place in the 2022 workspace?

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  • Can the 4-day week be successful?

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    And what effects could it have on the workplace?

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  • Are degrees in Data Science the way to bridge the digital skills gap?

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    Or are they only a band-aid?

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  • Six months on from the UK’s highest-ever reported number of vacancies

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    How is the job market looking now?

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  • Can technology rehumanise the workforce?

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    And is it all a force for good?

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  • Is technology detrimental to the recruitment sector?

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    Or can it help to solve existing issues?

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  • How important is wellbeing in the workplace?

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    Here’s what we can do to help our mental health

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  • Why your bottom line needs happy people

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    And how you can foster happiness in your workplace

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  • Will technology ever replace people in the workplace?

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    Or will it create more opportunities than it takes away?

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  • What jobs are emerging in 2023?

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    And do we have the skills to fill them?

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  • How can IT departments can become greener in 2023?

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    What is the impact on the environment?

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  • The Great Resignation – will the UK follow the patterns seen in the US?

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    If so, how will this affect recruitment?

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  • Are you back working from home again?

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    How have attitudes and opinions to remote working changed in the past 12 months?

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  • What IT and recruitment trends do you need to watch out for in 2023?

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    And what effects might they have on employers and the workforce?

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  • The Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure (PSTI) Bill

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    How does it affect the tech we use?

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  • Cloud Technology: the essential tool for modern workplaces

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    How is it revolutionising the way we now work?

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  • Will hybrid working change how we work in the long term?

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    And what effect will this have on Recruitment and IT?

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  • How have technological developments impacted the way we work during a pandemic?

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    And what problems and opportunities do they bring?

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  • The effects of returning to the office for employers, employees, and their work/life balance

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    What problems will the workforce face as a result?

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  • Hybrid Working is “the new norm”

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    But what does this mean for the workforce and recruiters?

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  • The UK Employment Market shows strong signs of improvement

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    But is this all good? Or will employers have new obstacles to overcome?

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  • Stay positive!

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    We know that job hunting can feel particularly tough right now, whether that’s because of the volume of people searching, not hearing anything back once you’ve applied, or only receiving rejection emails. It can be enough to make anyone feel de-motivated.

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  • How to market yourself online

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    How well do you market yourself online?

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  • How can you stand out as a candidate?

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    We know it can be disappointing and it's hard not to feel let down if you don't get a job - especially if you felt an interview went well.

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  • Are you happy about returning to work?

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    A workplace is defined as a building or room where people perform their jobs. So, have our own homes now become our workplaces?

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  • Working from Home

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    Remember when working from home was once a luxury?

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  • 20 years of itecopeople

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    Here at itecopeople in 2020, we are celebrating our 20th anniversary.

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  • How to be an Effective Team Player To Improve Your Career

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    Playing as a good team member is vital in any project if you want the outcome to be successful.

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  • Creating Positive Brand Values

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    Customers are a key sustenance to a business. Without them, where would any enterprise be?

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  • Assessment Centres – How to Succeed Throughout the Day

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    I remember my first assessment centre, it’s a scary moment

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  • Can Technology Help Save the Earth?

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    Whether you are connected or not connected, everyone in the world is now aware of technology being implemented in aspects of everyday lives.

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  • Interviews - some thoughts and tips

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    “I keep six honest serving men (they taught me all I knew); their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who.” - Rudyard Kipling.

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  • Why choose an independent IT recruiter firm?

    Posted on 7 Sep 2022

    “I keep six honest serving men (they taught me all I knew); their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who.” - Rudyard Kipling

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  • 7 questions to ask when choosing a recruitment partner

    Posted on 6 Sep 2022

    When appointing a recruitment partner you’ll want to be reassured that they will deliver in an appropriate and strategic way. Here are a few questions you should ask when you’re seeking a new recruitment service.

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  • People vs technology

    Posted on 15 Aug 2022

    People and technology are often thought to be clashing concepts. We perceive technology as taking the roles previously performed by people, and people as more logic driven, if less efficient, than te...

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